Educational Articles

What Is the Beyond Your Default Podcast? Why Now? Where Are We Going?

Written by George B. Thomas | Jul 17, 2023 1:00:00 PM


Recently, I came to a realization. Everything up to this point I had experienced in life — the blessings, the accomplishments, the challenges, the pain — has led me to this moment. This moment in which I serve you all as a catalyst for these conversations of what it means (and what it takes) to live a life Beyond Your Default.

To live a life beyond what we're told to accept, beyond the day-to-day monotony, to reach for something bigger and greater. 

Because you know there's more to life than "this."

When I say "Beyond Your Default," however, what does that really mean?

  • “Everyone keeps telling me I should be happy, but I’m not.”

  • “I feel stuck.”

  • “I know I’m meant for more.”

  • “I have a calling, I can feel it. But where do I start?” 

  • "This is not how life was supposed to turn out. Now what?"

We all have these moments in life where we look at our lives and the world around us, and we know something must give. Something must change.

Maybe you're at the start of our journey, with a whole life in front of you, ready to take on the world in a way that colors outside the lines. Maybe you've just woken up to the realization that the life you've been living hasn't been living at all. Or maybe you've always been a high-achiever, but you still know you have more to accomplish ... and you can't do it alone. 

No matter where you fall in that spectrum, right now, you have a choice. You can continue living within your default norms, playing it safe, clocking in and clocking out every day, scraping by to hopefully achieve what’s supposed to make you happy.

Or you can choose to commit to yourself by accepting the challenge of living beyond your default. That’s how you go from wishing to live your “best life” to actually living your best life. Success leaves clues. And they’re waiting for you to discover them.

Welcome to Beyond Your Default

In this inaugural episode, I take you on the journey that has led us here ... a journey of transformation, self-belief, and growth:


  • I reflect on the challenges in believing in myself, particularly in embracing all aspects of my personality. 

  • I highlight the importance of integrating different parts of oneself, including both the "good" and "not-so-good" aspects.

  • I emphasize that embracing the entirety of one's identity can have a more significant impact than solely focusing on the positive aspects.

Introduction to the Podcast

  • I introduce the podcast and talk more deeply about its purpose, and how Liz Moorehead (my cohost) and I will serve you in future episodes.

  • I invite you to join the community, and we examine the criteria by which you should integrate the Beyond Your Default podcast and resources into your life.

  • I also couldn't contain my excitement for the future of the podcast, as well as upcoming opportunities for us to engage with you, the audience.

Living Beyond Your Default

  • I explain the concept of living beyond the default as I have observed many people accepting life as it is without seeking personal growth or pursuing their aspirations.

  • I share my own desire to challenge the default and live a life driven by education, personal development, and reaching for something greater.

  • I encourage listeners to explore a life beyond the default and unlock your potential for personal and professional growth.

Obstacles and Inner Struggles

  • I discuss the steep challenges I faced while breaking free from the default life.

  • I highlight self-belief as his most challenging aspect, including believing in my ability to impact and share my knowledge and experiences.

  • I acknowledge the importance of overcoming self-doubt and embracing one's potential to become a mentor and positively influence others.

Unhealthy Relationships and Fear

  • I address many people's unhealthy relationships with their inner selves, allowing self-doubt and negative thoughts to hold them back.

  • I explore the concept of fear and how reframing it as excitement can lead to transformative experiences.

  • I suggest that taming the inner voice and learning to overcome fear are essential steps toward living beyond the default.

The Power of Community and Tribe

  • I discuss the influence of the opinions and beliefs of others on personal growth and success.

  • I highlight the importance of choosing the right community or tribe that supports and encourages individual growth.

  • I express his desire to create a tribe through the podcast, providing a supportive environment for listeners to achieve their goals and realize their potential.

What to Expect from "Beyond Your Default"

  • I share my vision for future episodes, focusing on open and raw conversations.

  • I make a promise to you, the listeners, to provide guidance, simplify complex issues, and offer practical life advice.

  • I am to help listeners develop a roadmap for their lives, unlock their potential, and navigate their journey of personal transformation.

The Timing and Purpose

  • I talk about why now is the right time to launch "Beyond the Default."

  • I emphasize my comfort with myself and my desire to leave a positive legacy and make a difference in the lives of others.

  • I express my passion for catalyzing personal growth and helping individuals realize their dreams and aspirations.

For each episode, we'll also be sharing resources, third-party research, and tools you can use to take what you hear in these conversations and apply it to your own life ... in a way that makes the most sense for you.