Educational Articles

George + Liz Reflect on Their Own Self-Forgiveness, Fear, + Challenges

Written by George B. Thomas | Nov 22, 2023 9:03:55 PM


"Hold on, let me grab my notebook!"

If you've listened to Beyond Your Default for any length of time, you've likely caught George and I saying this to each other during our conversations. That's because, like you, we're walking our own Beyond Your Default paths. Like you, we are doing our best each and every day to live a more meaningful, purposeful, and authentic life.

We don't think of ourselves as masters preaching from upon high, with every lesson we need to learn as humans on this earth completely in our rearview mirror. Quite the contrary! We consider ourselves works in progress. 

⚡ Go Deeper: The Healing Power of Forgiving Ourselves

That's why we invited Don Stanley (whom you'll learn more about below!) onto the show for our first Work in Progress check-in episode.

Unlike our regular episodes, in which George and I talk to each other about very specific and well-defined topics, our Work in Progress episodes put both George and I in the hot seat with Don, who will talk to us about how our own Beyond Your Default journeys are going. 

  • What have we learned?

  • Where are we struggling?

  • What are we looking forward to?

These are some of the questions you can expect us to explore as we take you behind the scenes for a raw and honest look of what we're working through. In this first Work in Progress check-in, specifically, we discuss self-forgiveness, fear, and the circles we're building for ourselves

Meet Don Stanley, Our Interviewer

Don Stanley is an internationally recognized digital marketing and sales coach, speaker and university educator. As the co-founder of Wisconsin-based 3RhinoMedia, he has personally guided a wide array of clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies, professional athletes, start-ups, non-profit organizations and solopreneurs through the ever-changing digital marketing and sales landscape. During his 20+ years in business and in higher education he has worked with hundreds of businesses and thousands of students.

Don is often asked to share his perspectives on digital media and he has been featured on some of the top business blogs in the world including the Content Marketing Institute, the Content Marketing Academy and Mark Schaefer’s He also has been featured on TV, radio and media including Marketplace Radio, This American Life, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, USA Today, Sports Illustrated, and he is a regular guest on numerous podcasts. In addition to his work at 3RhinoMedia, Don is an award-winning faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he teaches courses on social media and digital marketing.

Key Conversation Points

  • Don's role in the Beyond Your Default family. 

  • What has surprised George and Liz about their own Beyond Your Default journey since they hit record on the first episode. 

  • The greatest challenges George and Liz have faced thus far on their Beyond Your Default journey — from reactions of our listeners and the uphill climb as you approach success, to the impact our conversations have internally and how much we needed this podcast for ourselves.

  • Reflecting on episode 9 about relationships, George talked about the careful circles of friends, family, and community he's cultivated to stay grounded, as well as the thought leaders and mentors who shape his thinking.

  • Calling back to episode 15's topic of self-forgiveness, Liz shared her struggles and breakthroughs with self-forgiveness through her abusive upbringing, divorce, and rebuilding her life from scratch.

  • George recalled themes from episode 11 about fear by opening up about the fears he's currently wrestling with, as well as how he's working through them.

  • Liz talked about how she works to ground herself through the massive life changes she's been moving through this year — as well as the massive differences between our perceptions of what grounding is supposed to look like vs. what it actually looks like. 


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