George B. Thomas

Speaker, trainer, catalyst, and overall happy, helpful, humble, HubSpot helper.

Unwrapping Holiday Fatigue, New Year's Blues, and Seasonal Funk

Unwrapping Holiday Fatigue, New Year's Blues, and Seasonal Funk

Fact vs. Fiction: What Is a Growth Mindset, Really

Fact vs. Fiction: What Is a Growth Mindset, Really?

“I am always doing what I cannot do yet. In order to learn how to do it.” — Vincent Van Gogh Inevitably, when you have conversations about growth of...

The Power of Forgiveness, Part II: The Healing Power of Forgiving Ourselves

The Power of Forgiveness, Part II: The Healing Power of Forgiving Ourselves

Welcome to part two of our conversation about forgiveness. As we shared in our last episode, we noted a distinct and organic trend emerge through...

Redefining Hustle: Balancing Hard Work and Healthy Living

Redefining Hustle: Striking a Balance Between Hard Work and Healthy Living

In today's fast-paced world, the hustle concept has become synonymous with success. The relentless pursuit of goals, burning the midnight oil, and...

You're Only Human, Be Kind to Yourself on This Journey

You're Only Human, Be Kind to Yourself on This Journey

Even though this podcast is all about pushing yourself beyond your usual limitations, challenging yourself to dream of and reach for more, and...

The Power of Timing and Your Life's Journey

The Power of Timing and Your Life's Journey

Alright, let’s get real. Timing—it’s not just something you worry about when catching a flight or baking cookies. Timing is the secret sauce to...

What Is the Beyond Your Default Podcast

What Is Beyond Your Default? Why Now, and Where Are We Going?

Recently, I came to a realization. Everything up to this point I had experienced in life — the blessings, the accomplishments, the challenges, the...