“Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.” – Bryant H. McGill
One of the most liberating, progressive things we can do for ourselves is to let go. Let go of what? Well, it depends on the situation — anger, expectations, the need to be right, the desire for absolute control, the hunger to know every and all outcomes, disappointment, shame, guilt, sadness ... the list goes on.
But even though I think many of us intellectually understand how much benefit there is to letting go, we still struggle to do it. When we're challenged in those emotionally charged moments to let go, sometimes we'll end up clinging tighter to the very thing that is holding us prisoner.
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Sometimes it's because we're afraid.
Of the unknown. Of what will be left (if anything) in the place of whatever we're releasing. There are a thousand little reasons why. In my case, personally, it's a spectrum of reasons. On one end, it's trauma that traps me. On the other end ... well, it's because a guy was super hot. And hotness can go a long way toward corrupting my ability to make smart decisions about my future.
That's why George was so passionate about us addressing this topic. Whether it's the hotness of others, fears, or traumas from our past that keep us holding onto the people, places, and things that no longer serve us, we all deserve a chance to move forward.
⚡ Go Deeper: What Self-Forgiveness Looks Like in Practice + Why It Matters So Much
In this conversation, George and I discuss the challenges of letting go and the reasons why it can be difficult for people to put into practice. We explore the skills needed to let go, as well as the emotional attachments and fear of the unknown that hold people back. We also share personal experiences and examples of letting go in personal and professional life.
Our conversation highlights the importance of self-reflection, acceptance, and future focus in the process of letting go. We examine the benefits of letting go, such as reduced stress, improved relationships, and personal growth. We also look at the consequences of failing to let go, including chronic stress and missed opportunities. Ultimately, our goal in this week's episode is simple — to empower you to remove the roadblocks standing between you and a joyful, fulfilling life.
Takeaways + Highlights
Letting go is a crucial step in personal development and allows for growth and learning from past experiences.
By releasing negative emotions and accepting the past, one can find peace, emotional well-being, and focus on the present.
Letting go frees up mental space, leading to improved mental clarity, focus, and productivity.
It is important to let go of control and embrace the unknown, as clinging to expectations and trying to predict the future can hinder personal growth and limit potential.
Letting go creates space for abundance and allows for the things that are meant for us to come into our lives. Letting go can be challenging due to a lack of awareness and skills, emotional attachments, and fear of the unknown.
Self-reflection, acceptance, and future focus are key in the practice of letting go.
Questions We Discuss
Why is this conversation important to our collective beyond your default journey?
When we say "letting go," what does that really mean?
Why is it important for us to learn to let go?
Why is it so hard for people to put this into practice, even though we know how valuable it is?
How have we struggled in the past with letting go?
When we say "letting go," what don't we mean?
What does letting go look like in practice?
What are the benefits of learning how to let go? And what are the consequences?
Letting Go Quotes
“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” ― Steve Maraboli
“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ― Ann Landers
“Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.” – Bryant H. McGill
“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” – Havelock Ellis
“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.” – Thich Nhat Hanh