3 min read

What Jonah’s Story Teaches Us About Business, Life, and Purpose

What Jonah’s Story Teaches Us About Business, Life, and Purpose
What Jonah’s Story Teaches Us About Business, Life, and Purpose

Let’s talk about running. Not the kind that gets you in shape, but the kind that keeps you stuck. The kind where you’re sprinting away from something you know deep down you should be doing. Maybe it’s that business you’ve been called to build.

Maybe it’s that next-level decision you’ve been avoiding. Maybe it’s a shift in your life that scares you to death.

And here’s the thing—running never works.

I want to take you back to one of the most famous runners in history: Jonah. You might know him as the guy who got swallowed by a giant fish, but his story is more than just a wild Bible tale. It’s a roadmap for how we handle business, life, and the hard choices that shape us.

1. You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

Jonah was given a mission by God—go to Nineveh and deliver a message. But instead of stepping into his calling, Jonah bolted in the opposite direction. He booked a one-way ticket to Tarshish, which, in his day, was basically the farthest place he could go.

Sound familiar?

  • Maybe you’ve been avoiding a difficult business decision, thinking if you wait long enough, it’ll solve itself.
  • Maybe you’re sitting on an idea that could change your life, but fear has you running in circles.
  • Maybe you’re called to lead in a new way, but you’d rather stay comfortable.

Jonah teaches us that you can run all you want, but you can’t outrun purpose. The longer you resist it, the more turbulence you create—not just for yourself but for everyone around you. Jonah’s storm didn’t just affect him; it put the entire crew of that ship in danger.

If you’ve been feeling like life is tossing you around, ask yourself: Am I running from something I should be running toward?

2. The “Big Fish” Moments Are Wake-Up Calls

Jonah gets thrown overboard, and God doesn’t let him drown. Instead, He provides a fish—a massive, inescapable timeout. For three days, Jonah sits in darkness, reflecting on his choices.

Here’s the kicker: The fish wasn’t punishment. It was protection.

In business and life, sometimes we find ourselves in our own “belly of the fish” moments. A business failure. A financial crisis. A personal setback. These aren’t just obstacles; they’re opportunities to stop, reflect, and realign.

Instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me?” try asking, “What is this trying to teach me?”

Jonah had to sit in that space, face his fears, and surrender to the call he was avoiding. And when he did? The fish spit him out onto dry land, back on the path he was meant to take.

Your setbacks might just be your setup for something greater.

3. Obedience Brings Results, Even When It’s Hard

Jonah finally goes to Nineveh. He preaches the message, and guess what? The people actually listen. They repent. They change.

Let’s pause for a second because this is huge. Jonah didn’t have a marketing plan. He didn’t have a strategy. He didn’t even have the right attitude. He just did what he was supposed to do, and it worked.

In business, we overcomplicate things. We analyze. We second-guess. We wait until we feel ready. But sometimes, the key to breakthrough is simply doing the thing. Even if it’s scary. Even if you don’t have all the answers. Even if you’d rather be anywhere else.

What if the success you’re waiting for is on the other side of obedience?

4. Check Your Heart Along the Way

Now, here’s the twist—Jonah was mad that Nineveh was spared. He wanted to see them fail.


This part of Jonah’s story is a gut check for all of us. Are we doing things just for the win, or are we aligned with the bigger picture? Are we so focused on our own plans that we forget the greater mission?

Success in business and life isn’t just about achievement; it’s about impact. It’s about stepping into what you’re called to do with the right mindset, the right heart, and the right perspective.

Final Thoughts: Step Into the Call

So, where does this leave you?

Are you running from something you should be stepping into? Are you resisting a calling that won’t let you go? Are you sitting in a “belly of the fish” moment, wondering what’s next?

Here’s the truth: God’s purpose for you is bigger than your fears. His plans are greater than your resistance. And no amount of running can keep Him from redirecting you back to where you’re meant to be.

Maybe it’s time to stop running. Maybe it’s time to trust the process. Maybe it’s time to step into what you were made for.

Because Nineveh is waiting. And so is your breakthrough.

A Prayer for Surrender and Purpose

Father, I come before You with an open heart, knowing that You have called me to something greater than my fears. Forgive me for the times I’ve run from Your plans, choosing comfort over calling, hesitation over obedience. Help me to see that even in the storms, even in the setbacks, You are guiding me back to purpose.

Lord, give me the courage to step into what You have placed before me. Align my heart with Your will so that I pursue success not just for my own gain, but for Your glory. When I find myself in the "belly of the fish" moments, remind me that You are refining me, not forsaking me.

May my life, my work, and my choices reflect Your wisdom and grace. And may I trust that wherever You lead, You go before me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.